
With Faustine Dupuis, Sophrologist
& Maite Menard, yoga teacher.

THURSDAY 7 July 2022, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m..

Atelier Sophro'Yoga with Faustine Dupuis & Maite Menard au Relais de Montigny.

Workshop of 45 minutes of yoga, of 30 minutes of sophrology,
followed by a time of sharing before the tasting.

Inscription : 15€

“Psychocorporal method, sophrology aims for the harmony of body and mind. Through relaxation and breathing exercises, or even with positive visualization,
we learn to relax to find serenity and well-being.”

Faustine Dupuis

“Yoga soothes the mind through the development of body awareness., by practicing simple and gentle stretching movements. »

Maite Menard

Registration Form

For all information and booking contact us at 02 35 36 05 97.