March menu

Le Relais de Montigny vous propose le menu du mois de mars

à partir du vendredi 28 february

The Relais de Montigny offers you the menu for March

Conchiglioni farcis au caviar d’Aubergine Ricotta & coulis de Tomates aux épices
Conchiglioni stuffed with eggplant Ricotta caviar and spicy Tomato coulis

Crevettes croustillantes, purée de Pois Chiche, Bisque de Crustacés & Pesto au Basilic Crispy Shrimp, Chickpea Puree, Shellfish Bisque and Basil Pesto

Country Terrine of the moment
Country Terrine of the moment


Côte de Veau, jus aux Herbes fraîches, Pommes paillasson & Seasonal vegetables
Veal chop, fresh herb jus, straw potatoes and seasonal vegetables

Aile de Raie caramélisée au miel de Citron, purée de Topinambour & Seasonal vegetables
Caramelized Skate Wing with Lemon Honey, Jerusalem Artichoke Puree & Seasonal Vegetables

The Relay Burger

Burger Relay

Cheese plate
Plate of Cheese

Choux crème légère vanille & noix de pécan sauce caramel beurre salé
Vanilla & Pecan light cream puffs with salted butter Caramel sauce

Tatin de Mangues Ananas & glace Coco
Pineapple Mango Tatin & Coconut Ice Cream

Chocolate fondant & scoop of ice cream
Chocolate fondant with scoop of Ice Cream

MENUS at 27 € TTC (Entrée + Flat or flat + Dessert)

MENUS at 32 € TTC (Entrée + Plat + Dessert)

MENUS at 37 € TTC (Entrée + Plat + Cheese + Dessert)

Starter or Dessert 8 € TTC Plat 19 € TTC

Starter-Main course or Main course-Dessert : 27 €

Starter-Platter-Dessert : 32 €

Starter-Main course-Cheese-Dessert : 37 €

Starter or Dessert 8 € Main Course 19 €

For all information and booking contact us at 02 35 36 05 97.